The Women's Interdisciplinary Society of Entrepreneurship (WISE) is a student led group at Northeastern University dedicated to helping women and underrepresented genders develop an innovative mindset through interactive workshops across different industries (WeLearn), a thought-incubator (WeBuild), an early-stage venture accelerator (WeLaunch), mentorship pairings (WeSupport), and our annual Summit. WISE was founded to combat the lack of leadership positions held by women and underrepresented genders in entrepreneurial organizations, as well as a lack of attendance and representation by these minorities at such events. WISE was created so women and underrepresented genders could explore entrepreneurship with a safe and supportive community by their side.

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In 2025, WISE Summit will focus on what it means to have been Built to Last. Built to Last calls upon each of us to think about how to form sustainability in our personal journeys, emphasize longevity in our careers, and define success on our own terms. The foundation we build today will support us in our future ventures, and it is important that we build it with care and intention. Whether we move through different industries, start new businesses, or stay on one path, our foundation is what will help keep us steady. By focusing on both our professional lives and personal growth we will hopefully develop a long-lasting and balanced approach to life that is Built to Last.

WISE uses an inclusive definition of “women” and “female”, and we welcome transwomen, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who identify, have identified, or have been identified as female or women.